School Hours
Drop Off:
School doors open at 8:10AM.
Class begins at 8:25 AM.
A staff member will be at each entrance to greet students.
If you are tardy you will need to buzz in and check in at the office.
Dismissal times:
Half Day Preschool: 11:30am
Full Day Preschool: 2:45pm
K-2: 2:50pm
3-5: 2:55pm
6-8: 3:00pm
Half day dismissal times:
Preschool: 11:15am
K-2: 11:20am
3-5: 11:25am
6-8: 11:30am
The safety of our students is paramount. No student will be released unless an authorized pick-up person is there to pick-up. If you are having an alternate pick-up person come for your child, please let the office and your teacher know. We will check I.D.
- Please use the parking lot diagram for directions on the drop off lane for 1-8 grade students
- Kindergarten families will use the church entrance. Please do not pull up to the door. Park your car and walk your student to the door.
- 3Pre families using the south doors should use the driveway by Davidson.
- The parking lot gate by Home Buys is closed from each day.
- Preschool parents are permitted to walk their student to the classroom door. Please do not enter the classroom.
- K-8 parents please remain outside for drop-off.
School Drop Off